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家長及學生可能留意到近年一些國際考試獲取優異等級難度大幅增加, 單純懂得理論背好概念並不足以獲得優異成績, 考生需要靈活應用資料,作完整,準確,詳細演繹, 並配以多角度評價去獲取高分, 歡迎連絡BRIAN以盡早準備.
More than 13 Years experience as a professional full-time tutor for Economics 十多年​全職經驗專業經濟科導師-專業級教導IB, A level, IGCSE國際課程
Tel / Whatsapp: 97905070
Wechat ID: Econexp

Brian Wong has more than 13 years of full-time experience teaching students in different public exams including UK A level, IB, IGCSE, HKDSE, and University level. He is one of the most famous economics tutors for different international syllabus in Hong Kong. 

Proven Records
Many UK students joined Brian Economics
Students come from all over HK and the UK!
​教過的學生來自香港及英國數十間不同的學校, 上面英國地圖上每張貼紙都代表一位學生及其英國學校的位置, 足證非凡的經驗及實力 ! Brian 是不折不扣的Alevel , IB 及 IGCSE經濟科國際考試專家.

Each sticker on the above Map of England refers to Brian's students and their school location in the UK. Brian's students are from all over the UK and HK, is one of the most experienced tutors in the field. 

Brian is a Professional Economics Educator for international syllabus including A level, IB, and IGCSE. My past students achieved top grades in different public exams, Level 7 in IB, A* in IGCSE, some of them even obtained full scores on an exam paper in A level. 


經濟學是一科能受益終生的智慧, 超級企業家Elon Musk 的本科學位也是經濟及物理雙學位. 價值不在理論的本身, 而是思維的訓練, 而包括Alevel 或IB 等國際考試會需要考生思考理論的局限性. 經濟學本質上是資源分配的科學, 是一種掌握由微觀至宏觀狀態的了解大局與趨勢的能力, 配合實際工作的經驗及能力, 在比如在工程與生產,公共決策中, 應用經濟學的思維都能產生出巨大的價值.  所以連 Elon Musk 也建議大家了解一下經濟學, 這是一門充滿智慧的基礎學科.  

Tutition Fee 學費 
Fee for IB/ Alevel $900/hr
(Early bird discount $850/hr)
IB Group Class $450/hr

Fee for IGCSE/ HKDSE $850/hr
(Early bird discount $800/hr
IGCSE Group Class $400/hr

Skype/ Zoom online service is available 
Three students can form a study group, The fee can be as low as $400 per person depending on class size and level. 

標準收費為每小時$900, 部份課程如
IGCSE / HKDSE的優惠收費為$850每小時, 9月前報名部份時段更可享Early Bird優惠, 歡迎查詢
請盡早查詢報名以安排合適時間. 新學生可以預約課堂作Trial,彈性安排,毋須先繳付整月學費。


IGCSE 小組課程費用$400每小時
IB / ALEVEL 小組課程費用$450每小時



About Brian Wong 

Brian is a professional tutor for economics with more than 13 years of full-time teaching experience.  Graduated from the CUHK Economics Department. Top Five Public Exam (HKAL) entrance grades among all new economics students in 2002. Master of Science in Accounting (HKPoly). English Publication is now available on Amazon. Chinese Books Publication was selected for the different public library collections. 

Brian 擁有十多年專業經濟科教學經驗, 2011年起已有獨立的Office作教學, 是極資深的ALEVEL /IB 經濟學導師, 掌握香港及英國等考試及課程結構, 輔助眾多學生獲取頂尖成績.學生來自香港及英國數十間著名學校, 教過的舊生數以百計, 不少學生已大學畢業,桃李滿門. Brian 2002以高考全系前5名成績入讀中大經濟, 畢業後再獲理工大學專業會計碩士資歷, 熱愛經濟及金融科目.

Brian Wong 是全港極少數人所著作的財經書籍能有足夠水平作全國流通發行, 著作收錄於北京清華大學, 上海復旦大學, 上海財經大學等全國高等院校圖書館實體館藏的財經作家. 香港科技大學, 理工大學都有收錄繁體電子館藏. 北京首都圖書館, 上海圖書館, 深圳圖書館, 香港公共圖書館, 台北市圖書館等過百間公共圖書館分館都有實體館藏.對全球財經的認識水平與實力, 不用多言


耐心與正面鼓勵是Brian 的教學風格是,  多年來指導過香港及英國由最頂尖不同基礎的學生,其實成績關鍵不在於學校, 是學生的態度以及有沒有方法. Brian 有自修生學生也可以在國際公開考試中考獲最佳成績, 所以家長同學不用擔心自己的學校老師水平較弱, 只要你肯學,Brian 能助你從零開始建立基礎.  如果教學中能啟發學生的信心與與趣更能事半功倍. 曾有學生由合格邊緣到獲取優異成績, 升入理想大學, 這是作為導師最有滿足感的事情.  


about Brian
Author of Economics Guide Book :
Microeconomics (Ultra-Short Guide)
Now available in Amazon Kindle Store

One of the Top international economics exam tutors in HK. Full time teaching economics for more than 10 years Have an Independent office for his economics teaching since 2011. Proven track records.

Many students obtain excellent results such as A to A* in A level, level 7 in IB, A to A* for IGCSE. 

What makes the difference?  
Brian successfully survives in the highly competitive tutorial industry for 10 years, and my students can achieve good grades is the best reward for me. Without the support from parents and students, it is impossible to stay in such an industry for such a long period of time. 能在激烈競爭的行業屹立十年以上, 必然有其特長及堅實的專業能力. Brian 有很多學生來自舊學生介紹, 也有不少兄姊上完課程後,過幾年弟妹來上課的例子, 感謝學生與家長的信任.  

Teaching Features 教學特點
- Excellent teaching experience which knows the weakness of students   豐富教學經驗, 深明課程重點及常見學生弱點
- Use special notes and materials to fit with different exams 專門親自編寫的教材, 而且會緊貼時事及變化
比如加入, 2008金融危機 美聯儲在2015年尾的加息週期, 2020年無限量化(Unlimited Quantitative Easing )寬鬆, 2022年量化緊縮(QT), 及2023年出現數十年來美聯儲最激進加息等案例作考試備用事例作應用在開放式長題目. 
- Simplify those difficult contents into some simple ideas. 化繁為簡
- Emphasis on exam skills training in the lessons is the most important factor for achieving a good grade. 著重考試技能提升
- Supportive and encouraging character   支持及鼓勵學生
Brian's Students 我的學生

Brian's Students come from different famous schools all over Hong Kong. Including Chinese International School (CIS), and German-Swiss (GSIS). South Island School (SIS), Island School, West Island, French International (FIS),  Hong Kong International School (HKIS), and United World College HK.  我曾教導過香港及英國超過50間不同學校的學生, 比如香港的聖保羅男女, 男拔,女拔, 漢基國際, ESF的南島/港島/西島, 加拿大國際, 新加坡國際,宏立,耀中, United World College. 熟悉不同IB學校及本地學校的要求. 

Brian is also famous for teaching the UK A-level syllabus. His students come from more than 40 different UK schools from East to the west of the UK such as Brighton College, Concord, Headington School, Wellington, King's College, Cardiff Sixth Form, etc.  See the below UK map which is labelled by my students. 作為有十多年經驗的Alevel及IB等國際考試專業導師, Brian 是港教導最多英國留學生的導師之一, 英國不同Examboard 比如Edexcel / AQA / OCR / WJEC 都有豐富教學經驗應付自由. 在2020年疫情出現後, 推出多功能網教學上服務. 現在國際考試已經全面恢復, Brian將一如既往為英國及IB等需要準備不同本地及國際考試的同學提供支持. 

Many of my students achieved excellent grades in the different public exams. Many A to A* in the UK A level, Level 7 for IB, A*/L9 in IGCSE. I am glad that some students improved from C in school to A in the final exam. 

2024/2025 School Year 
SKYPE /Zoom Online tutorial service is available
Global service support is available for students
in different countries.

© 2024 by Brian Wong Economics Education

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